O anúncio que todos os eurofãs temiam aconteceu: o Festival Eurovisão da Canção (ESC) 2020 foi cancelado. Alguns dos artistas, apresentadores e responsáveis pelo certame já reagiram.
Devido à pandemia do novo coronavírus, o Covid-19, a European Broadcasting Union (EBU), organismo máximo de radiofusão, decidiu cancelar a edição deste ano do Festival Eurovisão da Canção (ESC) [AQUI]. Posto isto, são já muitos os artistas, apresentadores e responsáveis pela organização do Festival que se manifestaram nas suas redes sociais. Eis algumas das reações:
Elisa Silva e Marta Carvalho (representantes portuguesas)
O Festival Eurovisão da Canção 2020 foi cancelado. Pelo bem de toda a comunidade. Mesmo assim, Portugal teve o seu próprio Festival da Canção, que para mim, tem mais valor. É o meu país. E nada, mas mesmo nada, pode parar o que viemos ao mundo para fazer. Música. Obrigada a todos pic.twitter.com/bnHXGmlAUJ— MARTA CARVALHO (@aMartaCarvalho) March 18, 2020
Unfortunately the #ESC2020 has been cancelled. I completely understand the decision, since everyone's health is the most important thing right now. Hopefully later this year, we can look forward to a wonderful #Eurovision in good health, with #TeamJeangu! ❤ pic.twitter.com/cigyXA7cla— Jeangu Macrooy (@JeanguMacrooy) March 18, 2020
— Samanta Tina (@Samanta_singer) March 18, 2020
Me right now pic.twitter.com/5EKuQjDTwF— Samanta Tina (@Samanta_singer) March 18, 2020
Gracias a todos y a todas por vuestro apoyo. Se me parte el corazón... espero que esto pase pronto, sobre todo por la gente que está perdiendo a seres queridos. Cuidémonos entre nosotros y #QuédateEnCasa ❤️🙏🏻 https://t.co/SX6yoWEYXx— Blas Cantó (@BlasCanto) March 18, 2020
Eurovision 2020 has been cancelled.— Daði Freyr 🥑 (@dadimakesmusic) March 18, 2020
It's disappointing as I was really looking forward to performing in Rotterdam with Gagnamagnið.
The support has been overwhelming and many new opportunities have presented themselves.
I am really excited for the future.
Thank you so much! <3
ALWAYS keep your sincere smile ON no matter how hard times may be. We MUST listen, see the truth, and unite. Now more than ever!!! My heart, smile, energy, and love goes out to all of you. We have to stick together.— Vasil Garvanliev (@VGarvanliev) March 18, 2020
So gospod napred - Health is Wealth!
Onwards & Upwards 💖💪 pic.twitter.com/6UnSxLByvk
A big disappointment, but a decision we respect. A big thank you to everyone who worked on this só hard. At the same time, the challenges the world, Europe and our country face are so much bigger. That puts this in perspective. #OpenUp #Eurovision #esc2020 https://t.co/gSO0sJBB4o— Sietse Bakker (@SietseBakker) March 18, 2020
Dear all, I feel so sorry that Eurovison Song Contest 2020 is cancelled. We all feel heartbroken, but at this moment it’s the only right decision. 🙏🏾 I send my love to all the fans, artists, people behind the scene and everyone else involved with ESC2020. Love Edsilia ♥️ pic.twitter.com/0GWqAloSJo— Edsilia Rombley (@EdsiliaRombley) March 18, 2020
Tears Getting Sober is a project that means the world to me as an artist and to the great team behind it. I understand and respect this necessary decision but I also believe we, the 2020 #Eurovision artists, should be allowed to perform our songs in 2021.— VICTORIA (@victoriageorge_) March 18, 2020
Samira Efendi (representante do Azerbaijão)
Go_A (representantes da Ucrânia)
Senhit (representante de São Marino)
— Senhit (@senhitofficial) March 18, 2020
— Diodato (@DiodatoMusic) March 18, 2020
Eurovision 2020 has been cancelled. I’ve had my cry. I spent a couple of hours paralysed in bed, despondently scrolling through the many lovely tweet mentions from people expressing love and support. pic.twitter.com/vemHvCNlKx— Montaigne (@actualmontaigne) March 19, 2020
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